Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Interesting thoughts.

That picture that kind of looks like a giant post-it was this activity we did in my exceptional learners class. I wish that class was more interesting but our prof is not bright so it's kind of a joke. I did like half of our final assignment during like an hour of that class on Monday.
Anyways the point of this activity is to promote like positive social interaction. Essentially, I write B is... at the top of my page then tape it to my back and the rest of my class writes something. It's supposed to be something genuine and not superficial.. like I like your shoes. Hahaha someone actually wrote that on mine because we thought it was funny. It was interesting though because you could see that some people literally don't know me at all... and the ones who know me all too well.
BR wrote that I'm a beauty. DVZ wrote that I'm a great bitch hahaha. One person wrote that I'm as judgemental as they are and it's hilarious. Another that I'm a cougar.
The more random one was that I'm empathetic. I don't want to say I'm not empathetic but I'm not the type of person that you'd see and be like, "she is such a nice girl, so caring and empathetic". I am the kind of girl that people are like, "woowww that girl is a bitch". Which I'm okay with because I don't feel the need to act fake, so you pretty much know where you stand with me.
I am sometimes fake, in terms of politeness but not in terms of that over-fake, inside I-can't-stand-you-but-I'll-smile-anyways kind. I am usually just honest. Or I'm completely not myself because I don't need you to know me.
I also got told I am hilarious quite a few times... which is great because I honestly find myself hilarious but in the I'm-so-incredibly-funny-even-if-no-one-else-thinks-so-I-do kind of way.

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