Friday, January 11, 2013


I hate that our society is becoming what it is. I think technology is amazing, hell I'm using a smartphone to write this message on this blog as we speak. But I think we have been much too enveloped by it. It should be a tool not our society. It should be used to advance our ideas and abilities and further science. Unfortunately, instead it is used to bully people and abuse children and to hide behind. People don't talk to each other anymore. People don't make the effort to get to know one another or learn new things over time. Instead we want an instantaneous answer to everything: google it.
This is why I want to be an educator. I think we need to teach our children how to be thoughtful and responsible citizens, good and honest people. And I know that historically that's the job primarily of parents. Historically, it's also the job of COMMUNITIES. It is the job of society to raise our children with integrity, an understanding of hard work, manners, the ability to think critically.
Right now our society is raising entitled children who don't know the value of a dollar, who cannot possess empathy for another human, who are selfish and ignorant. It is so sad to me that we have all these opportunities with technology available and we let our children waste their days playing video games, watching porn and googling things they are much too young to know about. We should be teaching our children to utilize technology as a tool to advance our society, to advance out ability to have empathy, to give a voice to the silenced, to give hope to those who have none, to open our lines of communication so we never have to go to war again.

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