Monday, December 17, 2012


I'm home now. It's good and weird and frustrating all at the same time. I've come to the conclusion that I am seriously so lucky to live with K. We never fight, he doesn't nag me (he must seriously hate how much I nag hahaha) we barely even see each other. Here, it's the opposite. Someone's always home, always around. Like I  am never alone here. Maybe that's why I hate it, because I so deeply desire alone time that most people don't understand.
I hate the energy in this place. How hippie/psychic/weird of me but really. I have never loved this house. I don't know what it is. I think part of it is that it's never felt like home. Does that make sense? Like home in the sense that it's not home-y. Like I went to ME's the other night for her momma's birthday and it feels more home-y than here. And my place in leth feels like home, even my place in Calgary. You know, when you walk into a house and you're like it just feels like home.

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