Friday, June 15, 2012

You couldn't make this shit up.

Alright honesty time.
I'm still a bit thrown off about Monday night. I'm not like upset about it it's more I'd just like to talk to KMac and find out what the Rick he was talking about. I don't know where all the seriousness came from but it was just weird.
Normally I'd probably text him first because I just am like that. I'd rather be like hey what we the deal. But after the way things went down I have to imagine he's pretty unsure how to face me. I think I would be like that.
I can't imagine telling someone I'm not over my ex so we cannot have sex literally seconds before its about to commence. I respect it totally I mean I think it took balls to say the things he said but at the same time it's like how would you face the naked Girl laying beside you in the morning after discussing your ex's instead of fooling around. Weird shit that is.
I don't know I've had a crush on the kid for years then the conversing that occurred just threw me off since there's been no chat since.
Oh well we'll see how it all plays out I suppose.

PS I quit today so in two weeks he will no longer be my boss' son.

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