Sunday, February 13, 2011

flowers say i'm sorry and chocolates say i love you.

my daddy gave me flowers today. they're so pretty. it really made me smile. both of my parents gave me valentine's day presents actually. momma got chocolate and daddy got flowers. it was so nice of them to do that. i know momma did it because she know how much has been going on lately and how losing number twelve is really sucky and hitting me like a freight train even though to everyone else i pretend it's not. i think daddy got me flowers partly because that and partly because he was sorry. he knew i was really  upset with him yesterday; i've never spoken to him like i did before. everything just kinda piled up and he was in the line of fire. he knows i'd be sad to not have any valentines from number twelve too. i love my parents. they love me so much and i'm so thankful for them.

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