Tuesday, November 23, 2010

william rast.

ohhh my gosh. i'm so incredibly excited right now. i just bought my first two christmas presents and also did my first online shopping ever! i am so excited i bought number twelve a beautiful pair of jeans on sale for 120 bucks less than regular price probably 100 after shipping and charges and my self the same thing. (well santa bought mine haha) but i am ever so excited. number 12 is absolutely choked at me because he didn't want me too so he wouldn't tell me his pant size so i called his mother hahaha. i always win. but they are so beautiful and we are done but i'd still get him a christmas present anyways because he's him. the best part is that they don't ship these jeans to canada so i was really sad the other day when i saw them and couldn't order them. i forgot however that my brother's (in law if we're technical) sister lives in the states and is coming home for christmas. therefore, i sent them to her place(which loses international charges woo) and then she can bring them home! yaay! so so so excited!

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