Sunday, January 24, 2010

not so sunny.

arrival at billy's was pleasant; watching sofa king and sunshine's mothers dance on the bar, hilariously entertaining. sofa king's dad told me to go say hello to sofa king's mom so i did and she gave me a huge hug telling me to come around more often. momma b(sunshine's mom) to my surprise gave me a huge hug and told me she missed me; slightly awkward as i presume she knows the story and i haven't spoken to her son in four months.
km(sofa king's girlfriend) and were having so much fun in the middle of a lovely conversation when sunshine approaches looks at her says, "you first", looks at me and says, "you next". first of all you are not my parent disciplining my sister and i for getting in a fight? second, i haven't spoken to you in a long time for a legitimate reason.
km and sunshine have a conversation that ends up with her in tears and him being his conceited asshole ish self.
sunshine and i have a 'conversation' or yelling match whichever way you prefer to interpret it. i've never been so insulted. i seriously have never been so close to punching someone in the face than i was that night. i would like to know what happened to him, how he got that way. he is an entirely different person than the boy i fell head over heels in love with. and yes, i said love.

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