Thursday, March 18, 2010

in case you couldn't tell, i'm rolling my eyes at you.

girls really annoy me. the fact that they are so on and off about friendships. you know, i understand the taking a break or not hanging out because you need some space or you're busy, i get that. i really do. it's the i hate her, we're best friends, i hate her, we're best friends thing that really annoys me. no you are not. you are not best friends if you hate her. you aren't at all.
everyone gets in fights and you get mad or frustrated with your best friend but you don't hate them. you hate some of the things they say or do to you or others but you don't hate them. hate is such a strong word and it just makes me so angry that people do that. i have one friend, mlr and i love her to death but she does this all the time with friends. she like hates them but still hangs out with them all the time. and then she won't hang out with them for a long time because she hates them and then all of a sudden they are best friends again. i just don't understand. i just don't get it. can somebody please attempt to explain girls to me? i think i missed the gene that makes you act like a dumb girl because i do not understand 99.9% of girl logic. i must have been in the male logic line that day.

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