Sunday, April 26, 2015


I am in a terrible mood. Like TERRIBLE. I am so grumpy and so annoyed and ugh. I started off annoyed with the soccer game this morning. Then LM really pissed me off. She honestly is one of the most negative people I've ever met in my whole life. She's the type of person that is always draining your energy. Yesterday she called and I purposely didn't answer so I texted her like sorry my phone was on silent, what's up. She called again. She called to tell me that she drove all the way downtown to find a swimming pool and then got in a car accident. Then she said, "every time I try to get in shape, something happens. Maybe I am supposed to be fat."
I basically want to be like you know what your biggest problem is? Your attitude. You are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS talking about negative things happening to you and then guess what, they do. Perhaps you should try to be a little bit more positive and look at the bright side of things.
It's also incredibly frustrating because she is just so needy. Like I get it, you don't have a lot of friends here. But you really aren't doing much to make friends. Take a cooking or fitness class. Get involved in something. Make an effort to meet new people. Go on a weekend trip to Banff with random people. Do SOMETHING. TRY. It's like she came over here assuming everything in her life would be fixed by coming to a new country.
She hates her weight and complains about it SO much it drives me absolutely fucking mental. Like look, you barely work out and you eat shitty. Nutrition is like 70-80 percent of losing weight and most people don't realize that. And it is so frustrating because you talk about wanting to lose weight and then go out for lunch 3 days a week. Or you have a salad with a fuck tonne of caesar dressing. Like these things are NOT good for you. When you do bring lunch it's the biggest fucking thing I've ever seen. Like you cannot eat a dinner sized portion that would take me 3 meals to eat of spaghetti with meat sauce, eat it all in one sitting and expect that you are going to lose weight.
Portion control is HUGE in terms of losing weight. I literally am the fucking worst because I know when I eat too much. I try to pack half a plate of veggies and about 30 percent protein then some carbs or something. When I don't, I can feel the difference. That's my problem. How do you not feel shitty when you eat that. And how do you not recognize it. Like you can't get a full sized booster juice and a full sized sandwich and expect that not to be too much. Like the smoothie alone is at least 300 calories depending on the type. And don't get me wrong, I never count calories because I think it's silly but COME ON. Like how do you not recognize that.
Also I'm annoyed because I am supposed to go pick some stuff up from J's but he never texted me and now I'm just pissed off for the sake of being pissed off and he's probably equally or more grumpy than I am so I don't even want to see him BUT I'm annoyed he didn't text me on principle coupled with my already irritated mood.

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