Thursday, February 26, 2015

Illogical. Frustration.

I was a little bit put off by some things said to me on Sunday. I think it's really annoying that girls think I've slept with J. Like in the summer it was a joke and occasionally J makes references to it but usually not in front of people.
When BC said to me like it's no big deal, like M went on a date with J so when they told me you slept with him I just thought meh, whatever; that's J. Well first of all, that's not J. And second of all, that's not me. I was like are you kidding me, who told you that? She's like a few people actually. And I was like that really bothers me that people are talking about that. And she's like why he's attractive who cares? And I told her, yeah but I have NEVER slept with J; I've never even kissed J. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
I don't appreciate that girls talk about me and J behind my back. Like I could literally care less if they were just talking about me because they don't like me. I'm used to that, I expect that. But it's not fair to say I slept my way to where I am in that business because it's just not true. Certainly, I would consider J and I significantly closer than he is with the majority of his employees, T and I are becoming closer and CG and I are good friends. But CG fucks me over and has blatantly admitted she will put me in a shittier section because she knows I don't care, I'll suck it up and not complain. J has pulled me off serving 2 hours before my shift to be on the floor for 9$ an hour. I don't exactly see how that is favouritism. In fact, it is the exact opposite. It's a trust thing, a hard work thing. If I didn't work to a place where they recognized my competency, I wouldn't be given more responsibility. If I were sleeping with J, I would likely not ever give up a Friday or Saturday serving shift in the best section because well, I'm sleeping with him so I could have whatever I wanted. Perhaps if my goal was to become a manager or pursue a career in the industry it would be different. But I have a full-time job. This is not my livelihood. I do it for fun and they know that and I still don't get what I want all the time. I have to take hits sometimes because I can and the boys and CG know that.

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