Monday, June 16, 2014

Royal Orchid.

So today I went for the BEST and weirdest massage of my life. I had been thinking about it and Dad told me to go get a massage because my year ends and then I'm not on his benefits anymore because I'm not a student (lame). But I mentioned it yesterday and J was like you HAVE to go see C. She is the BEST. And I'm like okay... CG was like it's at the place that I went for my foot massage and we all know how that turned out so don't do it. And I'm like J like it's really that good and he's like yes you have to.
So he texted me everything to go there and he said it will be a unique experience and to get East meets West with hot stones. It is at a Thai place so he said the traditional East is a bit much.
It was so good but there were definitely some weird things. She like stretches your muscles out too which was weird but nice. Like at one point she was on the table like twisting my legs like a pretzel. It was really weird but I felt better. She also gave me some stuff for my skin. I'm really hoping it works because she said it will be better in 2 days.
I have literally tried EVERYthing for my skin and it just sucks. I am so self-conscious of it and I'm sure other people don't notice it nearly as much as I do but it really bothers me so I'm praying she's right and it works.

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