Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I was so productive today. This morning I woke up and relaxed a little bit. I was up at about 8:30 but I relaxed in bed for about an hour and a bit. Then I had a shower and DVZ and I went to Cora for breakfast, it was so unbelievably delicious. When I got home I got my things ready and went to the University. I had to pick up my parking pass and my transfer student form and my prerequisite waiver form. I also went to the book store to see what textbooks I'm going to need and how much they will cost me. I found out my gym membership isn't included in this tuition so I have to go pay 86$ for four months which is virtually NOTHING for a gym membership. Especially because the gym was like dead today so that should be nice.
After accomplishing all of my school related errands, I came home and started cleaning. I rearranged my room and I cleaned it up. It feels so nice because I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff and a full bag of clothes. I have done most of my laundry the rest is still being washed but once I'm done my sheets then I think it will feel complete.
Have I mentioned just how much I LOVE fresh, clean sheets? I love them. I am going to have such a good sleep.
It feels kind of weird that I moved my room around because this is the way I had it first year but now my bed is on the floor so it's not like literally on the windowsill and I have my TV stand/shelf on the side instead of up tall. The other difference is that I don't have a desk in here so it is sooo much more spacious. I have my printer and garbage can and gym bag against that wall but it opened up my room so much. Maybe I will post pictures after.
I like it though. I will have such a good sleep in a clean, pretty, rearranged room.

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