Tuesday, January 19, 2010

fearless is fighting the things that scare you to death.

today she asked me if i was depressed and i feel like i am so far from depressed. i am stressed out. and stress and depression are so far apart. i think i find myself overwhelmed sometimes because i always put everyone else first. i neglect myself most days. and i'll admit that part of that is so that i can pretend i haven't gone through more than most people my age can imagine in my life. i also like to avoid that i am not perfect and my life is not perfectly in order so i focus on others. she's like well what about sunshine and sofa king and number twelve and the fam and your friends. and all i could think was life isn't fair, it sucks sometimes but you have to deal with it. bravely move forward no matter how much you're hurting and how hard it is.

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