Wednesday, April 1, 2015


People who complain about their body image without doing anything about it reaaaaallllyyyy piss me off. It actually drives me crazy. It drives me nuts because there are so many people that cannot lose weight no matter what they do. And when people complain about every time they work out and it's too hard or I'm hurt or I'm sore like that means it's working. That means you are doing things to take your body to the next level.
Today this is the exact thing that was said to me, "I feel like every time I try to get in shape or lose weight, I get hurt".
My response was, "have you tried swimming or something that is less stress on your body?"
"Yeah, well I don't have a swim pass".
Inside my head I was like then GET ONE!!!!
When I got home, the same person sent me a picture of themselves holding a bag of mini eggs.
Look, I really could care less what size you are. I think it's important to take care of your health and I truly believe that nutrition and fitness are important but at the end of the day, we all make our own choices. If that's the case, just don't complain about it.
There are so many people who would kill to be able to exercise like that because they are physically inept. Or they have allergies that affect what they can and cannot eat. Or that have genetics or illnesses that affect their ability to lose weight.
I find it extra frustrating because like who doesn't want to eat a bag of mini eggs? I certainly do. I struggle so much with my self-image and it is a constant struggle for me. I am well aware that I'm not a huge person but I'm not satisfied with my size most days. I am conscious of what I eat and the portions I eat and I work out at least 4, if not 5 or 6 times a week. So please don't make backhanded comments about me being smaller than you or I could use the calories or I'll be just fine without that workout I am trying to motivationally self-talk myself into.
All of those things are why I am the size I am. So please if you want to be healthier, BE HEALTHIER. Take the steps, ask for help. It's a challenge but it's life.

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