Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sincerely, your health.

Dear brain,
Please stop over analyzing and over thinking everything in the world. I promise it will all be okay in the end. Have faith in yourself and your ability to make good decisions. You are intelligent and kind and you love unconditionally. These all things to be proud of. Love yourself. Know that it's okay to not have it all figured out. You're still young, you have lots of time. Take each day for what it is. Grow. Love. Breathe.
You are strong and you know it but you are also beautiful. Believe that. Tell the voice that you know so well that's criticizing you to stop. Sure, you're flawed. That's okay. You've been broken. That's okay too. You are a good person. That matters. Remember your own value and remind yourself of it often because you deserve it. You deserve to know your worth and to feel the lightness of letting go. Release things out of your control. I'm serious. Learn and let yourself fail. Let yourself make mistakes.
Believe in yourself. You are enough.
Most of all, you are beautiful. Did you hear me? You are beautiful.
You are beautiful.

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