Sunday, November 17, 2013


I'm a very disconnected person. And by that I mean, I disconnect myself. I choose to not let people close to me. When people get close to me I get afraid. Other people are so open and they tell me these details in their lives and I just don't always know how to deal with it because I am not like that.
I am a crazy person, honestly.
I spend time with people all the time and I love social interaction and being around people and working in the service industry. And then I just hit this wall where all that I want in my life is to be alone. I feel bad a little bit because JP has been trying to talk to me and so has my other roommate and I was honestly so close to just being like please fuck off. As kindly as possible leave me the fuck alone. I don't want the small talk about how was your day and work etc. I want to just spend five minutes alone.

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