Sunday, June 16, 2013


On Friday I went to pick up my reference letter from my last practicum. It's pretty much the nicest things anyone's ever said about me. He mentioned integrity multiple times. Specifically, one line says B is a person of great character and identity. 
This letter means so much to me I cannot even explain it. Integrity is the most importnt thing in the world for me. Integrity is who I am. Nearly three years ago, that was taken from me, I gave it to someone who didn't deserve it and it nearly destroyed me. It broke me more than I thought it was possible to break. And to have someone identify integrity as a defining feature of who I am means the world to me because it means I took it back. I took my integrity back and released a situation out of my control, I let go of a weight that diminished me as a person, a weight that diminished my soul and I infused it with integrity as the driving force in my life. 

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